Google Maps Multi-Purpose server side Markers clustering script v3.1
101 Sales
If your web application or service utilizes Google Maps and you're looking to improve performance with a large number of markers, the Google Maps Multi-Purpose Server-Side Markers Clustering Script v3.1 is your solution. This powerful script is designed to help integrate up to 100,000 markers on your maps without compromising page load speeds or user experience. Built using pure PHP and MySQL, this robust script efficiently processes and clusters data on the server side, enabling smooth and speedy map interactions. Users can seamlessly zoom in and out, and the script dynamically adjusts the clusters according to the map view. This not only enhances the performance but also improves how information is displayed, making it more accessible and informative for users. Please note that the demo database is not included with the script. However, setting up your own database is straightforward, and you can easily integrate it into your existing Google Maps API projects. This version 3.1 comes with an extended set of tools and functionalities that empower developers to customize the map appearance and behavior far beyond what the earlier versions offered. Ideal for real estate platforms, logistics management systems, travel planning websites, and any application that requires handling large sets of location data, this script is designed to handle heavy loads with ease while providing an intuitive interface for developers. Whether you're managing a complex logistical task or creating an interactive travel guide, our script ensures your map's performance is robust and reliable. Get ready to transform your user's interactive map experience with this advanced, efficient clustering script!
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Last Update:Nov 21, 2022
Published:Aug 31, 2022
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